Saturday, January 9, 2010

Love in It's Purest

This couple is an example of love in it's purest. They have been married for many years. They went through hard times. The depression, the death of a son, the burning down of a beloved cabin that they built with their own hands and many more things I don't even know about.

She is the icon of grace. God smiles when she wakes up. A woman of God, and a perfect example of a true Christian. He is gentle. He has the best laugh in the world; it's like Santa Claus. Old in his age, but still tough as nails; still sharp with a pistol. A man faithful to his wife, and more loving than anyone could ask for. Watching him sleep makes me smile.

These people make you feel warm and loved, family or not. If you haven't met them, you've missed out. These people are my grandparents.

1 comment:

  1. I can only hope that in 50 years my grandkids can write about me this way. Beautiful pictures Stephy!!!
